vendredi 17 août 2012

Bruxelles (2)

Pentel GFKP

LAMY Safari & encre Noodler "Heart of Darkness" + gouache 
sur une enveloppe kraft  usagée

mercredi 15 août 2012


Spent some days with my friends in Belgium, discovering Brussel, Gent and Brugge. We got a very sunny weather and have seen many wonderful things. Unfortunately, traveling with  friends  does not allows very frequent nor very long breaks to draw. So, don't expect any watercolor, I just sketched a  bit here and there.

Grand Place / Grote Markt guild houses (B pencil)

samedi 4 août 2012

La ferme au bord de l'eau

carte postale
aquarelle sur carte postale Fabriano
(10.5 x 14.8 cm – 300 g/m² – grain fin – 25% coton)